Saturday, December 7, 2013

Computer Graphics: Making Its Way Onto the Big Screen

Buzz Lightyears ahead: Pixar's digital rendering techniques had much improved by 2000, when it released the critically acclaimed Toy Story
Pixar's Toy Story
Nowadays, we see many movies ranging from genres like Fantasy, Science Fiction, Action, Drama, and Children use computer graphics to entertain the audience with a visual stimulating sensation. We probably take computer graphics in movies for granted knowing that we have seen it develop into something visually stunning over the past two decades. Over the years, we have seen movie makers use computer graphics to make beautiful explosions, detailed unknown alien life forms, mesmerizing environments/landscapes, and enhanced animated movies intended for all audiences. Now we are starting to see movie makers use computer graphics to make altered versions of actual human beings, whether its purpose is to show a younger or older version of an actor or a specific version of the actor that would have been too costly or time-consuming to use make-up.

CGI version of a younger Arnold Schwarzenegger in "Terminator Salvation"
There was a time when computer graphics was just starting out in the movie industry. Movies like Star Wars (1977) and Future World (1976) made use of computer generated special effects, but it was the movie Tron (1982) that helped influence the use of graphics extensively. Although Tron wasn't as successful as other movies that used computer graphics back in the early days, it obviously influenced movie makers with the idea of using graphics for more than just a couple of scenes in the movie industry. Computer graphics have gone on to save time and money for some movie companies as they are able to reuse models or programs for sequels. Movie companies are no longer limited to the amount of resources available before computer graphics were introduced to help bring a director's idea to life (or on the big screen).

With technology evolving, the potential of how far computer graphics can be used in the movie industry is unknown at the moment, but we are seeing more movies using computer graphics to look more realistic and becoming difficult to distinguish what is real or computer generated.

Notable movies that are based on computer graphics include the Matrix Trilogy, Avatar (2009), and the brilliant Pixar Movies (Toy Story, The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, WALL-E, etc). 


  1. Hello Anacleto,

    I thoroughly enjoyed your blog. The details and the pictures fit in excellently into the blog. I enjoyed the movie references you have made and could see clearly how computer graphics played the important role there. The links you provided also make a great addition and extend the information you have provided here greatly. I would have loved it if you had gone in depth for one movie and explained how computer graphics helped make that movie it is today. Overall a great post!

  2. Hi Anacleto,
    I like reading your blog and I really enjoy it. There are some pictures that fit well in your blog. I just love it!
    In you blog, you introduced computer graphics in the aspect of 3D movies. This would be a good way because I have seen that many blogs are just start from computer games and there would be few people focus on movies. And I believe that you must love seeing movies very much because you have much knowledge in movies.
    BTW, I think it would be better if you introduce movies with computer graphic in a deeper level. Anyway it's a nice blog. Nice job!

  3. Your blog as others have stated, is entertaining and fits together well aesthetically. The movie industry is pretty streamlined in creating and reusing content in so many different ways that textures and fur, hair, skin and environmentals are swapped out on the fly. Rendering is faster and faster, allowing for amazingly complex scenes such as Lord of the Rings and other full scale war films are becoming commonplace. I salute you and your blog for it's clarity and content.

  4. Hi Anacleto,
    Thank you for very well written and informative post about Computer Graphics. I liked that you used two high computer animated movie images. You descried about 3D animation movies using Computer Graphics. Actually, now a days the animation movie industry fully depends on Computer Graphics. I liked how you explained Computer Graphics role in movie industry but it would be great if talked about Computer Graphics related fields like car designing, video game development, clothing design etc.However, I enjoyed reading your post. Overall, good post!
