Friday, September 6, 2013

Social Networking and security. . .or lack of when promoting your brand.

social media globe
Social Media taking over the world

Social media has taken over the world, or at least the internet, and is vastly improving to become a useful tool for businesses and its customers. Everywhere you go, you will most likely see at least one person looking at Facebook either on their phone, laptop, tablet, or any other electronic device that can be connected to the internet. What’s not to like about the social media website? You can communicate online with friends and family, be friends with other people, share articles or videos with them, and post that you have beaten your friends’ highest score on a certain gaming application. There are other benefits to Facebook other than for personal needs. Businesses can connect with their clients, set up meetings, or market their products/events to the public to attract more customers or build a greater fan base. We now see many businesses expanding their brand online due to the demand of customers shopping online for convenience and to stay current in the business world.

Social networking can help improve any business that is looking to expand or adapt to the technological change that its customers may be using. Businesses should be cautious though as there are dangers in using social media such as private information being exposed that could lead to expensive lawsuits and damage their credibility, not checking all the security settings, using a simple password, or having employees freely speak about the company without any regards to future consequences. As long as businesses are cautious about what they post and how they secure their site, there should be no danger in building a reputation through online use. As these social media sites become more popular, the risk of losing personal/important information raises as well. It is always better to be aware of the dangers that may occur and be prepared if the worst happens.

Social Media can only protect you as long as the user does their part. Research what information should be public, private, or not be added to the business’ profile page. Be prepared that once your business goes online, every action or post by employees, intentional or unintentional, will affect the business too. Remember to separate personal posts and information that do not relate to your business. Always check and update security settings and keep in touch with your clients as they are the reason why social media will benefit you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anacleto,
    Your blog is informative and focused on the topic, your language is simple and easy to understand. All the points that you mentioned are good and interesting but they are general benefits and security issues of social media. I think it would have been better if you incorporated your point of view and what social networking security means to you. Other than that, I enjoyed reading your blog. Next time I hope to see more of you in your blog.
