Thursday, August 29, 2013

Welcome to Anacleto Duplito's Blog

As a University student who started learning about programming about a year ago, I have found programming to be fun and exciting. I am honing my programming skills by visiting websites such as and I have experience with Java and Data Structures from my computer science courses that I have taken at San Jose State University. I am learning C and Java Object-Oriented Design along with HTML and Python.

I am a huge video game console gamer and learning about programming offers a different view every time I play a game. Before I became a programmer, I used to take for granted on how a video game operated or how a computer worked. Now I can navigate a computer and have a deeper understanding on how data is processed. From a visual perspective, if you told a computer to do a simple task such as making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or asked it to throw out the trash, it can be quite complicated if you do not give precise step-by-step procedures on how to perform the task. As you know technology is constantly evolving and becoming a useful and necessary tool in people's everyday lives especially in the business world. It is clear there will be many challenges in the future from preventing cyber-attacks and individual hackers exploiting other people's personal information. As a young computer scientist, the skills and abilities to be an effective programmer means that I am going to take part in helping technology expand and become easier for people to understand and use in their everyday lives.